Post From 1/23/11:

My blog has a new look... again.

This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.

Take Care, everyone.

-Jake, Creator Of Books

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm So Stupid!

I hate when your personal library has to get new flooring. I really do.

So, get this: My floor is OLD! I had to get a new one, now...

Yeah, bad idea.

I didn't realize that I had to take EVERYTHING out of that room, including my books & my built-in bookcase. It took me 3 hours to set all my books in my living room, where they won't fall. That mean's I have to put them all back after I put my bookcase back in.

It would take alot of bad words to describe how getting that thing out took its toll on me.

So, for the next week, I don't have a room to put my books in. Oh joy...

Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's truly amazing, all the stuff you can find on Wikipedia these days.
But, more to the point, Amy & Dan Cahill are part of the Madrigal Branch.

Only I could have predicted it. And I did, about 6 months ago right here on the blog.

But If You Dont Beilive Me Look Below:

Shocked by the death of Irina, Dan and Amy march into danger once again. They discover themselves as Madrigal. In Grace's journal, they find a page that says ″I am feeling melancholy today, thinking about my dear A & H and missing them so. I cannot even bear to listen to my beloved di Lasso, because of the reminder...″ and on another page it says ″I have written Deng Xiaoping, who has agreed to grant to visit to A & H when he discoverd that they, like him, are M", which they translate into Madrigals and begin to question whether they're the good guys or the bad guys. Dan and Amy also begin to question how much they trust their au pair, Nellie. So far the clues the siblings have discovered are Iron Solute, Tungsten, Gold, Myrrh, Amber, Rosemary, and Water. Meanwhile, Aunt Beatrice's detective is closer than ever to finding their location. They also discover more about their parents' murder and confront Isabel Kabra. They follow Shaka Zulu and meet a man named Kurt in Pretoria, who helps them with many others through out the book. The clue is aloe. Also, in this book, Amy becomes very Cahill-like, being mean, wanting to kill Alistair, and having temper problems.

The storyline starts the morning after the fire that killed Irina Spasky. The two were shaken up by what happened and they cant't believe that Irina was on their side after all. But moment later, Nellie Gomez their au pair appeared signalling the arrival of police. It turns out that Isabel Kabra called the police and put the blame of Irina towards Dan, Amy and Alistair. Together with Nellie and the boat driver they tried to escape the police but unfortunately Alistair took the bullet and he was the one who was taken by the police.

Meanwhile, after using again their code breaking abilities, Dan and Amy figured that the last words of Irina was actually a song. "Im with you and you're with me and so we are all together" which points to their next destination. pretoria, South Africa.

Upon arrival in South Africa, a mysterious man hands a postcard to the sibling which points to a connection to a famous person called Shaka. As they unravel the history of Shaka, they found out that he was a member of the Tomas branch. Following a line of clues, Shaka was then connected to Winston Churchill.

Visiting a library with a document coming from Churchill, they discovered that the clue was hidden with the body of Shaka. Soon they discovered a tunnel in which it is said that Churchill hid when he was in Africa. They unlocked the message of the Churchill which pointed to a certain coordinate which turned out to be a Tomas Stronghold.

After infiltrating the Thomas stronghold they soon discovered a box with diamond in it. At first they though that was the clue, but actually Aloe was the clue which was also in the box.

When they were leaving South Africa, they were captured by the Kabras. They were about to kill Dan when suddenly the professor which helped them at the Thomas Stronghold saved them again. They escaped together with the vial with green liquid that they discovered at the Maze of Bones.

They escaped them by flying Grace Cahill's old plane. During the ride, Dan and Amy had a little quarrel and accidentally broke the vial which some of the contents were spilled at Dan's arm. It turns out that it was poison. To get the antidote, they flew towards Grace Cahill's home at South Africa. There they discovered a sort of diary of Grace Cahill showing that Dan and Amy's parents belong to the Madrigal Branch.

Still don't? Click here.

I'm AWESOME! Aren't I?

More news! While The Cover hasn't been revealed, I do have the Title for Book#8. Book 8: The Emperor's Code, will be out April 6th! The color of the title gives you a hint of the color of the book!

Monday, February 1, 2010

EKAT E-MAIL!...And More Info

So yeah, I'm an Ekat agent, I get e-mail from Bae & Victor.

So I figured I'd share some of the non-top-secret ones with you.

When I get e-mails(which really isn't that often), I'll post it on the blog. mm'K? Good.

Victor, your up:

From: Victor Wood (On behalf of Bae Oh)

Stronghold security


Our spies have reported that the Tomas, Janus, and Lucians are increasing security at their headquarters around the world.

In Hollywood, the Janus added three new surveillance cameras to their rare book room—and added five new cells to their underground prison.

In Paris, the Lucians are distributing new poison-delivery mechanisms. Watch out for any suspicious-looking people with strange rings, or weird-looking umbrellas. . . .

There are rumors that the Tomas are installing some kind of invisible, high voltage barrier around their South African stronghold, but this hasn’t been confirmed. It’s difficult to believe that the Tomas can handle any tool more advanced than a baseball bat. However, we can’t ignore the fact that the other branches are anticipating some sort of break-in.

We’ll know more once we track down Amy and Dan. For some reason, those children always end up in the middle of the action.

Get moving!

Victor (for Bae)

Also, don't forget that Book#7, The Viper's Nest comes out tomorrow. Amy & Dan's family branch will FINALLY be revealed! Don't miss out & go buy the most important installment of the 39 Clues Series yet!

Also, while I'm at it, I have important plot info regarding book 8.

I'm awesome, aren't I?

In book 8, Dan & Amy will be seperated. And... oh yeah, remember that detective that their Aunt Beatrice hired to find Amy & Dan. Well, he may have finally caught up with them...


Wow, this editor looks new.

So I've finally figured out how to do this.
