I believe this assumption for 3 reasons:
1. Amy & Dan don't know what branch belong to. Grace never told them, and when people(mostly competitors) almost tell them, they are cut-off by someone or something.
2. Amy & Dan don't have much of the talents that belong to any of the 4 branches. They're not entertainers like the Janus, because Amy is frightened of large crowds(But Dan could make a good comedian.) They're not ruthless like the Lucians. Not good Chemists & inventors like the Ekats. And not as strong as the Tomas.
3. In the fifth book, The Black Circle, Amy & Dan will confront the Madrigals. Maybe they will tell Amy & Dan themselves that the siblings have Madrigal heritage. Oh, and I will tell you right now, I know nothing that happens in The Black Circle, with the exception of knowing about them confronting the Madrigals, as it is noted on the back page of Beyond The Grave.
I am in the process of rereading all four novels in order to record a complete investigation on this question. If are are Madrigals, I could only imagine what it would mean for the contest..................
Well, done. I figured know one else would figure it out. I am Agent X, and I have very important information for all cahills. Amy and Dan are Not MadRigals. But they do have a strange family past. But this sort of infoRmation shall not be given to amatures. Good luck finding the clues!
Well done, however, in book four the letter M covered the clue. Madrigals took it. They would've told Amy and Dan the clue. Worked with them thru video chat or email. Im of course a janus, the smartest, coolest most talented branch.
Ekaterina is the coolest, smartest, and best branch.
Amy and Dan are in one of the branches.
But which one you ask?
The mother of Thomas, Luke, Jane, and Kathrine...
Had a fith cild.
M is right.
And just so you know anonymous, you should watch your mouth. You never know who might be listening.
You think the Madrigles would be that stupid Meredith? Really. How many times has the Cahill children's comuter signal been bugged? Like they would go up and say, The clue is -----!
Hey M and upsidedoWn, Meet me at the Guthrie. Midnight.
Ok, so this is what I found out surfing the web and tearing apart the websites for:
Amy: Madrigal
Dan: Lucian.
And, that Amy gets all 39 clues in 2 years.
I know that it is unlikely, but someone who read the VIper's nest somehow, i dont know, said that, so I think it is should be correct. If I could only read it for myself,..... I can't wait until feb 2!
PS: Anonymous, I agree with you! GO EKATS~!
Guys, Though I am a Janus,
We need to go to reality. Scholastic are not gonna have kids at the ages from 7 and above crying over Amy and Dan not being in their branch. No one can become a Madrigal, So Amy and Dan are MADRIGALS! Come on. You know what little kids are like. When they are attached to something, in this case 39 clues and Dan and Amy's branch, If they find out what branch they are in and it's not theirs, Ouch. Anyway, JANUS RULE!
WE HAVE THE JONAS BROTHERS IN OUR BRANCH! BEAT THAT! And to all you haters out there, don't bother complaining to me! Janus Agent out!
i read the seventh book but im only on page 54. the 7th book is Vipers Nest
I'vew completed book 7 and the answer is Amy and DAn ARE MADRIGALS. It says the chinese emporer only meets with A & H ( Arthur and Hope, DAn and Amy's parents.) because they are M. Also DAn and Amy's mom and Dad are national killers who are called the Nudelmans. If they actually descend from any branch it should be Ekats because of their enlarged intellects. So that is official who knows what happens in book 8 THe Emporers code is unknown. EKATS RULE!!!
P.S. Dan almost dies and the man in black is good friends with Arthur and Hope
Not to be biased, but even though all facts point to the Cahill kids being Madrigals, I think they are ekats. They exhibit ekat tendencies and the Madrigals aren't even a branch. They're just rogue Cahills from all the branches.
Katherine Cahill out.
Owww.... Guys Now we have known that they are madrigals i think we should kill them like what the other agents did on their parents!!!! hehehe
Add me on Facebook my Eadd is Masterpencer@yahoo.com
let us help each other in finding the clues
I don't think so because they actually participate in the 39 clues and Madrigals don't. And also in one of the books (I forgot which one)it has something to do with the engles family and Brooke engles said that they were the originals branch(it's the real cahills branch)and the originals were nice and sweet and were the enemies of Madrigals. And the madrigals kill anybody with the last name cahill and THEY themselves have the last name cahill.
LUCIONS are THE BEST and smartest than any of you pathetic fools. and beware of whats coming... AND WE BEJAMIN FRANKLIN IN OUR BRANCH! LUCION AGENT OUT.
Yes, they are madrigals. I have found that they have no Janus Lucian or Ekat lines. And no possibilities of them being tomas. Good bye
They r Madrigals found in Book 6 or 7!
Let's face it- they r madrigals. It said so in book 7,8, and 9. But everyone is trying to say there in another branch. And they might just be. I have been trying to figure this out for a long time, and I think I hav it now. U see, as soon as mcintyre said beware the madrigals, I thought they were madrigals. I then went to the library and read a book that told a little bit about th madrigals. Here are my beliefs on th madrigals. To be a madrigal, there a different " requirements" one of the requirements is that u r a rouge cahill. Another is that u r a mix of more than one branch. Another is that u r not a cahill at all, but u still hunt for th clues. But my last one is rather supicious. My suspicion is that Gideon Cahill had a brother. They competed in the alchemist quest, but they both knew they couldn't complete it. They both had kids to continue the quest. When gideons bro found that Gideon was almost done the quest, he sent his kids to burn down gideons house. Gideons kids became the cahills, and his bros kids became the original madrigals. What kind of madrigal Amy and Dan are, I don't know. Well find out when scholastic reveals it...
Im a Lucian and they are Madrigals it said that in book 9. and I would be carful about what you say about other branches because im a Lucian and as you know lucian dont hold back!
Dudes, they're Madrigals. so leave it be. Well, lets just stick to our own clue hunts. good luck competitors!Oh and learn to keep some things to yourself. You can make alot of enimies with online chats. just say the wropng thing and you might find a poison arrow in your back tomorrow night. Everyone can read these...
I agree with NM. Never reveal more than you need too. I will tell you one thing. Stop disgraceing your branchs with these petty agruments. They are Usless when it comes down to it.
Hey dude, Agent MjR, dont i know you? Aren't you the one who hacked my celly last month? If you are, youre in for a butt-whooping! Plus: youre way to serious. hmph. Must be a Lucian. No sense of humor with you guys.Oh well, good luck to you any ways! :)
I will not dignify that with a response. now if you would excuse me i have a fligt to catch.
ITS ME AGAIN! I just have to ask if anyone has seen a blue pick up truck with the liscese plate 334-bak. I lost track of it and need help. Thx!
im a madrigal and madrigals are a branch. im in A Hotel in dallas called drury hotels room 329.
if you want to know more about madrigals come before tomorrow
i see a blue pickup truck with the liscence plate with 334-bak outside my hotel with a clue
Well, ma. your a little late. im way past that! it only took me a while to get it back on satalite. the little freaks had a signal blocker!
sry for the spoiler alert but they ARE madrigals
listen ever body ive been working on this for a long time but i finaly figured it out theres not 4 brances but 8! besides the madrigals. and each as even better abilitys than the others there called leonus meaning lion in latin there powers are to be able to turn in to there Gardian the mega leonus which means mega lion he is the master of lighting and cahills who are in this brance are usally hardheaded reckless and can controll lighting and change its shape.
anothers is the phoenix branch that control the power of the living fire and can transform into a phoenix cahill from this branch are usally clever warm and alway allie them selves with the leonus both are gardians of truth honor corage bravoery loyalty and freedow
Theres also rhinoceros in other words means rhino cahill from this brance are alway short tempered extremly dum mean and ugly they can control the earth
SPOILER ALERT they are both madrigals it sid so in book 7
everybody listen up!there are 5 branches,not 4-janus,lucian,tomas,ekaterina,and madrigal.olivia was pregnant with madeleine when the house burned (Gideon blew up his house himself when Vesper's men raided the house).her children left Ireland after thomas and katherine accused luke of killing Gideon and she raised madeleine as a widow.
olivia taught madeleine if any one of the branches got the clues the world would be devestated.whenever a branch got to close they would do whatever was needed to keep the power from being unleashed.when madeleine grew up and had children of her own she taught them the same thing and so the Madrigals were born.amy and dan clue hunted so the clues they found would never be found.the madrigals also guard a ring.madrigals are good guys, ok.
Guys, I saw the black book of buried secrets and read all the books of all the novels and they ARE madrigals. The descendants of Madeline Cahill. In the mural with the burning house, she was not there because she was in the moms womb which nobody knew. They are Madrigals and Daniel Radcliffe and Justin Bieber are Janus' I found out in the black book of buried secrets. No joke. You can even research about it. 🅰♑🅾♑⬆♍🅾⛎💲
I’m am a Madrigal/Lucian don’t ask how but Amy and dan are Madrigal. Anonymous where did you get the black book of buried secrets? I need it don’t make me have to take it!
Amy and Dan are lucians
I have only read books 1 though 4. I got them out of the library. The are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you got that wrong there are 6 branches not 5, because you said janus, lucian, Tomas, ekaterina, and madrigal that's 5 branches! I LOVE the books!!!!!!
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