Post From 1/23/11:

My blog has a new look... again.

This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.

Take Care, everyone.

-Jake, Creator Of Books

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back From Book Hibernation!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had a lot of school projects lately, and have been reading away. While I haven't posted, I've finished Time Paradox, KK2, and Inkdeath. I working on starting the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale. I heard it's a pretty good read, with the latest book releasing on May 20th.

Yes, I heard that Obama won the election. I find it appalling that the republicans have the nerve to release promos saying that Obama is untested. Even if McCain won, he has never been president of anything before either, so you can say that McCain is untested too. Really, I'm glad that Obama won, because I think it's time for a change. One teacher I saw posted a sign that says: "Tired Of The Same? Vote Democrat!"

A good movie release too check out would be Twilight, which releases November 21st. It is strongly recommended for PG-13 viewers. It's the movie that came out of the Twilight Saga, by Stephenie Meyer. A book I may have been taking about, Breaking Dawn, is the fouth and final book in the saga.

Have a safe week, and happy reading!


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