(Picture Of Book Jacket availible now @ http://www.ridleypearson.com/YA/steel.php, I am currently unable to upload photos to the page)
Steven "Steel" Trapp has been placed in an East Coast boarding school for gifted kids by his FBI agent father. He soon discovers that there's a clubby element of the faculty and upper classmen that is very secretive and protective. To his surprise, his friend Kaleigh arrives to board at the school and soon the two discover that this is not your normal boarding school. It seems a select few students are recruited, while still minors, to serve as special "translators" for the US Government. Steel's dad was able to arrange this school for his son given Steel's incredible retention skills. People—including diplomats and dignitaries—will say things around kids that they wouldn't otherwise dare speak outside of embassies. The willing student "agent" takes a semester abroad and ends up spying for his country.
But there are dark elements at play at the school. Foreign agents may have penetrated the school's secrecy and may have sleepers in place: kids spying on future kid spies. There is conspiracy and competition among the elite faculty that threatens security. As Steel and Kaileigh are recruited for their first test run—trying to break a ring of pickpockets in a Boston hotel—things go impossibly wrong. Betrayal and conspiracy cloud what should have been a straightforward assignment. And all too soon, their very lives are in danger.
Post From 1/23/11:
My blog has a new look... again.
This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.
Take Care, everyone.
-Jake, Creator Of Books
This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.
Take Care, everyone.
-Jake, Creator Of Books
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
November Wrap-Up!
Wow, is it almost the end of the year already? Today's November 30, so tomorrow's the first of December! Wednesday is my day off, so look for a lot of posts then.
So here's the round-up:
-Still no word if I will get a THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN ARC. Susan Beth Pfeffer(the author; one day she'll be famous) has only received 6 copies to date, & all of those went to friends & family.
-No cover for Rick Riordan's THE RED PYRAMID. Yet...
-There will be an 80% off Scholastic Book Sale at one of their warehouses near me, December 4th-15th. No Goodwill leveled products here; pure fun reading material! And of course I am going!
So here's the round-up:
-Still no word if I will get a THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN ARC. Susan Beth Pfeffer(the author; one day she'll be famous) has only received 6 copies to date, & all of those went to friends & family.
-No cover for Rick Riordan's THE RED PYRAMID. Yet...
-There will be an 80% off Scholastic Book Sale at one of their warehouses near me, December 4th-15th. No Goodwill leveled products here; pure fun reading material! And of course I am going!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Viper's Nest! (And The Rise Of The Madrigals)

Book 7: The Viper's Nest(along with Card Pack 3: The Rise Of The Madrigals) will be released February 2nd, 2010. Peter Lerangis, who did an awesome job The Sword Thief(that's book three, and that is my favorite book to date, which means, yes, he beat Rick Riordan, and trust me it takes ALOT to do that!) is also writing this volume, and I'm sure that I will NOT be disappointed!
Another exciting hype for The Viper's Nest: Amy & Dan's family branch WILL finally be revealed. There is a strong specualtion that they are Ekats, and that's my branch, so I sure hope so! However, they could possibly be Madrigals, and if they are, then I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT FROM DAY ONE! Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until February 2nd to find out!
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Kane Chronicles!

Monday, October 12, 2009
Will You Get An Early Glimpse Of Susan Beth Pfeffer's Next Book?
This World We Live In, by Susan Beth Pfeffer, releases on April 1, 2010. However, if you've read the two other books in the Moon Crash Trilogy, LIFE AS WE KNEW IT and the dead and the gone, and want to know EXACTLY what happens in This World We Live In, you may have a shorter wait. I have signed up to get an ARC(Advance Reader's Copy). Susan, what a nice lady, e-mailed me this morning and told me I may or may not get one, they're are more requests than they are of books, so we will just have to see how everything goes...
Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Tell me!"
"I think, right now, you're the king of England."
Thirteen-year-olds Jonah and Chip are reeling from the news that they're both missing children from history, kidnapped from their proper time period. Before they can fully absorb this revelation, a time purist named JB zaps Chip and another boy, Alex, back to the fifteenth century, where they supposedly belong. Determined not to lose their friends, Jonah and his sister, Katherine, grab Chip's arms just as he's being sent away. The result? Jonah and Katherine also end up in the fifteenth century, where they decidedly do not belong.
Chip's true identity is Edward V, king of England, and Alex is his younger brother, Richard, Duke of York. But Chip is convinced that his uncle, Richard of Gloucester, plans to kill them and seize the throne for himself.
JB promises that if the kids can "fix time," he will allow them to return to the present day. But how can they possibly return home safely when history claims that Chip and Alex were murdered?
In a riveting tale that climaxes on the battlefield at Bosworth, master storyteller Margaret Peterson Haddix brings readers back in time to an unforgettable moment in history and plunges them into the adventure of a lifetime.
It was a rough landing. Lights streamed past Jonah's face, an unbearable glare. Some force that had to be more than just gravity tugged on him, threatening to pull him apart from Chip and Katherine, from the Elucidator and the Taser, from his own self. The image that burned in his mind was of his body being split into individual cells, individual atoms. And then that image broke apart too, and he couldn't think, couldn't see, couldn't hear. He could only feel time passing through him, time flipping back on itself, time pressing down, down, down....
Then it was over. He lay in darkness, gasping for air. Dimly he heard JB's voice say, "Welcome to the fifteenth century. Good luck." But he couldn't quite make sense of the words. It was like hearing something underwater, sounds from another world.
"You're hiding, aren't you? Staying out of sight?" It was JB's voice again, hissing and anxious. "You have to stay out of sight."
"Darkness," Jonah mumbled. "Safe."
His tongue felt too thick to speak with. Or maybe it was too thin — too insubstantial. He didn't feel quite real.
There was movement beside him. Someone sitting up.
"You'd like to keep us in the dark, wouldn't you?" Chip accused. "You didn't tell us anything we'd need to know to survive in the fifteenth century."
Whoa. How could Chip manage to sound so normal at a time like this? And so angry (which was pretty much normal for Chip)? Wasn't his head spinning too? Wasn't his vision slipping in and out of focus? Didn't he feel like he might throw up if he had to do anything more strenuous than breathe?
"You didn't even tell us who we're supposed to be," Chip continued.
Distantly, as if hewas trying to retrieve a memory from centuries ago — no, he corrected himself, centuries ahead — Jonah puzzled over what Chip meant. Who we're supposed to be... Oh, yeah. The whole reason they were in this mess was that a group of people from the future had gone through history plucking out endangered children. This would have been very noble and kind, except that they began carrying off famous kids, kids whose disappearances were noticed. JB, who seemed to oppose any tampering with history, was convinced that all of time was on the verge of collapse because of these rescues. He and his cohorts had managed to freeze the effects of the rescues — the "ripples," as they called them — and gone after the missing children. There'd been a battle, and thirty-six kids from history had crash-landed at the very end of the twentieth century.
Chip was one of those kids.
So was Jonah.
For the past thirteen years, though, they'd known nothing about their true identities. They'd been adopted by ordinary American families and grown up in ordinary American suburbs, playing video games and soccer, trading Pokémon cards, shooting hoops in their driveways. They had no way of knowing that their ordinary lives were ordinary only because they were in Damaged Time — time itself, trying to heal, had kept both sides of the battling time travelers out.
But Damaged Time had ended. And JB and his enemies, Gary and Hodge, immediately swooped in, each side eager to finish what they'd started.
And that, boys and girls, is how I came to be lying in the dark in the fifteenth century, Jonah thought, his mind working a little better now. That "boys and girls" line was imitating someone, someone on TV probably.
Someone who wouldn't be born for another five hundred years.
A wave of nausea flowed over Jonah. He wasn't sure if it was because it'd just sunk in that he was hundreds of years out of place, or if it was because his senses were working better now and he'd just realized that the fifteenth century reeked. A smell of mold and decay and — what was that, rotting meat? — surrounded him. And his nose brought him the first fact he was sure of about the fifteenth century: Whatever else was happening then, no one had modern flush toilets yet.
"Where is that Elucidator?" Chip demanded. He was feeling around on the floor now. "JB, you've got to tell me the truth. Who am I?"
"Well, it's kind of a delicate situation," JB hedged. "We shouldn't be talking at all right now, until you're sure that no one else can hear us...."
His voice trailed off to just a whisper, which Jonah could barely hear. Why was Jonah having so many problems? He'd been holding the Elucidator — he ought to be able to tell Chip where it was. But his hands felt too numb to be sure if he was still clutching anything or not.
Meanwhile, Chip seemed perfectly capable of sliding his hands all around, groping all along the stones of the floor. He nudged first Jonah, then, apparently, Katherine. Jonah could hear her moaning softly, as if she felt every bit as miserable as Jonah did.
"So help me, JB. If you don't tell me who I am, right now," Chip fumed, "I'll scream so loud that people will hear me in two centuries!"
"No, don't," JB begged. "I'll tell you. Just be quiet. You're...you're..."
"Yes?" Chip said, his voice rising threateningly.
"It's hard to pinpoint the date, exactly, since the three of you took the Elucidator, and that may have thrown some things off, but I think it's probably safe to say, given when you should have landed, that you're...um..."
"Tell me!"
"I think, right now, you're the king of England."
Copyright © 2009 by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Al Capone Shines My Shoes!

It's 1935. Moose Flanagan lives on Alcatraz with his family, the other families of the guards, and a few hundred no-name hit men, con men, mad dog murderers and a handful of bank robbers too. And one of those cons has just done him a big favor.
You see, Moose has never met Al Capone, but a few weeks ago Moose wrote a letter to him asking him to use his influence to get his sister, Natalie, into a school she desperately needs in San Francisco. After Natalie got accepted, a note appeared in Moose's freshly laundered shirt that said: Done.
As this book begins, Moose discovers a new note. This one says: Your turn. Is it really from Capone? What does it mean? Moose can't risk anything that might get his dad fired. But how can he ignore Al Capone?
It has now been discovered: Dan and Amy Cahills hunt for the the 39 clues leads them to the land down under: Australia!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Book Reviews 2 The Extreme!
I've been a little quieter on the blog lately, and that's because I've been reading alot. I've just finshed all 3 three Forensic Mysterys by Alane Ferguson, and many more book reviews will be posted in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11

I know that this year, Obama wants us to do Coumminity Service projects all over the nation. I think it is a wonderful idea. Go help someone in your neighborhood. It's the least you can do for America, especially on this tragic day.
Below are some photos from September 11th:

A view of the burning Twin Towers of the WTC

A firefighter views the remains of the South WTC

The site of the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 on a field in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. This wasn't intended to be the crash site, as either the White House or the US Capitol Buliding in WASHINGTON DC, however we will never know what the real target was. The reason they crashed there is because the 40 brave passengers flight attendants on board fought with the terrorists right above where the picture was until the plane crashes in this field. We sulute the 40 people on board who had the courage to fight the terrorists.

The damage done to the Pentagon in our nations captial

The damage done to the World Trade Center, the heart of these attacks. In 1993, the WTC was the site of a bombing by the same terrorist network behind 9/11. Only 6 were killed in the 1993 bombing, 1,500 injured, and 300 million dollars in damage.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Happy 10th To Blogger!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Catching Fire Spoiler From Wikipedia!:

Katniss is reunited with her prep team and Cinna, her stylist. Cinna has been helping Katniss develop her "skill" which every tribute is supposed to have. Katniss has no skills that she believes are worthy of note besides hunting. So she opts to work on clothes designing. She shows off the clothes that she designed to a group of reporters and then is sent to the train where she will travel to the various districts. On the way, Katniss confesses to Haymitch, her mentor, about the meeting with President Snow. Haymitch points out to her that she must be a mentor to other tributes in the future, and that the people of Panem are never going to forget what happened between her and Peeta in the arena. He reminds her that she must continue to be "in love" with Peeta until she dies, or the people will get suspicious and the Capitol will have a reason to dispose of her. Katniss realizes that it probably means she will have to marry Peeta.
The first stop on the tour is District Eleven, where Katniss' friend and ally, Rue was from. Everyone gathers in the town square to listen to the mayor's victory speech, and Peeta's own comments. As they are being escorted into the building where they will have their victory feast, Katniss decides that she needs to say something. Peeta already gave his thanks to the families of Rue and Thresh by giving each family one month supply of his winnings every year for the duration of his life. Katniss says a quick speech, thanking District Eleven for their tributes, the boy tribute who saved her life in the arena. When she is done, a man whistles the four note tune that Rue used to tell everyone that the days work was over, and used in the Arena to tell Katniss that she was safe. The song acts as a signal, and everyone salutes Katniss using the same gesture that she used to say farewell to Rue. She is taken into the building but not before she sees Peacekeepers drag the man up the steps into plain view of the crowd, and shoot him in the head.
Katniss and Peeta then proceed to travel to all of the twelve districts before returning home. During an interview, Peeta proposes to Katniss publicly, hoping to settle the dispute between Katniss and President Snow. However, after they return home to District 12 it is announced that in honor of the Seventy-Fifth Hunger Games, twenty-four of the remaining Hunger Games victors will be forced back into the arena to fight to the death, yet again. Katniss then realizes that it will be her job to protect Peeta by any means possible. During a final interview the day before the Quarter Quell, Cinna creates a dress that goes from being a wedding dress to a dress styled after the mockingjay, which has become a symbol of hope and rebellion among the Districts.In a final attempt to escape the arena, Peeta tells a reporter that Katniss is pregnant with his child, which causes much mayhem in the Capitol. However, Katniss and Peeta are forced into the arena anyway. Before Katniss is sent into the Arena, she is forced to watch Cinna brutally beaten and dragged off as punishment for the dress he created. His fate isn't revealed in the book, though he isn't seen or mentioned again.
Katniss and Peeta then join up with two other victors, Finnick, a twenty-four-year-old man who is known to be one of the youngest Hunger Games victors, after successfully surviving the games at only age fourteen, and Mags, an eighty-year-old woman from District 4 who volunteered to take the place of Finnick's lover, Annie during the reaping.
Katniss and Peeta survive many hardships, including an acid fog that Mags voluntarily walks into to die after they realize that she cannot be carried any farther. After Mags' death, Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick join forces with Johanna Mason, a sarcastic and often cruel female victor, and Beetee and Wiress an older couple who have been said to be, 'exceptionally smart'. Wiress soon proves her genius status true after revealing to Katniss that all of the arena's disasters (tidal waves, blood rain, acid mist, monstrous monkeys, jabberjays, insects, a "beast," and electrical storms) appear to be on a timed chart that restarts at midnight.
After an attack by two other victors, Wiress is killed and her corpse is swept out to sea. Katniss then has to swim out and find Wiress and retrieve an electrical wire from her body before the hover craft carries her off. Later on, Katniss finds out that the wire was merely the beginning of a plan Beetee was formulating to kill three other tributes, using one of the disasters (lightning) and harnessing it's power with a wire in order to electrocute the other contenders.
In the final chapters, Katniss, Peeta, Beetee, Finnick, and Johanna attempt to carry out Beetee's plan to electrify the other contenders. However, Katniss become paranoid that Johanna and Finnick are planning to murder Peeta and herself after she is shoved down to the floor by Johanna, who proceeds to rip into Katniss's arm with a knife, causing Katniss to lose a large amount of blood. She stumbles through the jungle in order to find Peeta, worried Finnick has already killed him.
She finds Beetee has been knocked unconscious, having tried to disable the force field with an electrified knife. She uses the last of her strength to fire an electrified arrow at one of the arena's force fields which results in her paralysis. When she wakes up she is being transported to District 13, a place she was told no longer existed. She is informed that there had been a plan to break out of the arena before the games even began between most of the contestants, that Beetee had been attempting to destroy the force field the same way she did, and Johanna had only stabbed her arm in order to tear out the tracking chip that the Capitol used to follow her movements. Peeta, Johanna, and Enobaria have been captured by the Capitol. She is later informed by her best friend, Gale, that District 12 has been bombed and destroyed but that he got Prim and Katniss' mother out in time.
Artemis Fowl's New Look!(and more Eoin Colfer News!)

Okay, I'm a little slow to just be noticing this, but it seems Artemis Fowl has a new logo. Here's the new cover for the first book!
In other Eoin Colfer news, I've learned that Artemis Fowl 7 will be about a possible birth link between Artemis & Holly Short, and may be out as soon as 2010. I've also learned that Eoin is planning a Supernaturalist 2! Stay Tuned for more details!!!
The Demon King- Out October 13th!

From Disney-Hyperion:
Title: The Demon King
Author: Cinda Williams Chima
Times are hard in the mountain city of Fellsmarch. Reformed thief Han Alister will do almost anything to eke out a living for himself, his mother, and his sister Mari. Ironically, the only thing of value he has is something he can't sell. For as long as Han can remember, he's worn thick silver cuffs engraved with runes. They're clearly magicked-as he grows, they grow, and he's never been able to get them off.
While out hunting one day, Han and his Clan friend, Dancer catch three young wizards setting fire to the sacred mountain of Hanalea. After a confrontation, Han takes an amulet from Micah Bayar, son of the High Wizard, to ensure the boy won't use it against them. Han soon learns that the amulet has an evil history-it once belonged to the Demon King, the wizard who nearly destroyed the world a millennium ago. With a magical piece that powerful at stake, Han knows that the Bayars will stop at nothing to get it back.
Meanwhile, Raisa ana'Helena, Princess Heir of the Fells, has her own battles to fight. She's just returned to court after three years of relative freedom with her father's family at Demonai camp - riding, hunting, and working the famous Clan markets. Although Raisa will become eligible for marriage after her sixteenth name-day, she isn't looking forward to trading in her common sense and new skills for etiquette tutors and stuffy parties.
Raisa wants to be more than an ornament in a glittering cage. She aspires to be like Hanalea-the legendary warrior queen who killed the Demon King and saved the world. But it seems like her mother has other plans for her--plans that include a suitor who goes against everything the Queendom stands for.
The Seven Realms will tremble when the lives of Han and Raisa collide in this stunning new page-turner from bestselling author Cinda Williams Chima.
Hardcover $17.99 ISBN: 1423118235
ISBN-13: 9781423118237 5 1/2 X 8 1/4
Fiction 12 and Up
512 10/13/2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Change- Not The Obama Kind!
I am changing the blog up once more. A new look, some new sidebar features, and many more things are in store. Some things will go in effect today, and many changes have occurred over the past month. Enjoy the newly redesigned site!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Secrets of their parents past
WIKIPEDIA-In these videos, fictional news anchor William Michaels will try to find out what Amy and Dan's parents dark secrets were. Also, in every video except the first one, a code will be given to receive a free virtual version of a bonus card. Information in the five cards, along with the videos, will help readers discover Dan and Amy's parents deep secrets before In Too Deep will be released.
Video 1 - September 1st
Video 2 - September 11th
Video 3 - September 23rd
Video 4 - October 12th
Video 5 - October 25th
Video 6 - November 2nd
Video 1 - September 1st
Video 2 - September 11th
Video 3 - September 23rd
Video 4 - October 12th
Video 5 - October 25th
Video 6 - November 2nd
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Enemy Extract

Only children under fourteen remain and they’re fighting to survive.
Now there are rumours of a safe place to hide.
And so a gang of children begin their quest across London, where all through the city - down alleyways, in deserted houses, underground - the grown-ups lie in wait.
But can they make it there - alive?
The glass doors of the swimming pool were cracked and so covered with dust on the inside that it was impossible to see anything through them. Deke hefted his sledgehammer and took a swing, aiming for a spot next to the handles. The glass exploded with a bang and fell out of the frame in sparkling nuggets.
‘Cool,’ said Freak.
‘Yes it is,’ said Deke, who loved destroying things. In the early days, just after the disaster had happened, and before he understood the dangers, Deke had wandered the streets in delight - breaking, burning, smashing - hardly able to believe that there was nobody around to stop him and that he could do whatever he wanted.
That crazy, joyous freedom had been cut short when he’d discovered that not all the adults had died. And those who had survived would treat you far worse than any parent, teacher or policeman if they ever caught you. A parent might have grounded you, a teacher might have kept you in after school and the police might have arrested you, but none of them would have tried to eat you, like the grown-ups who wandered the streets these days.
He still got a kick out of destroying things, though, when he got the chance, which was why he often volunteered to join a scavenging party.
He stood back from the shattered door to let Achilleus see inside.
Achilleus leant in and looked around.
‘We’ll need the torches.’
They all carried hand-powered LED dynamo torches that didn’t need batteries. They quickly fired them up by pumping the triggers that spun the flywheels inside. After thirty seconds the torches were charged enough to give a good three minutes of light.
They stepped into the entrance lobby and shone their beams across the dirty floor and walls. Ahead of them was the reception desk. To the right, past a turnstile and low barrier was a small seating area that opened out on to the pool.
A wide passage led the other way to the changing rooms.
The reception desk was covered with cobwebs and the faded, peeling posters on the walls were from a different world. They showed smiling, happy children and talked of health and fitness and community activities. There were a few animal trails in the dust and debris on the floor, but no sign of any recent human activity.
‘Vending machines used to be through there,’ said Freak, nodding towards the fixed tables and chairs in the seating area.
‘We’ll take a quick look,’ said Arran, and, without having to be told, Achilleus led the way. He climbed over the turnstile and dropped into a crouch on the other side, spear at the ready.
‘All clear.’
One by one the others followed, Ollie bringing up the rear, torch in one hand, slingshot in the other.
They walked cautiously forward. As they moved closer to the pool they noticed a smell. The choking, rotten stink of stagnant water.
‘Aw, who’s farted?’ said Deke, holding his nose. Freak sniggered, but nobody else laughed. The pair of them liked to joke around to keep the fear away, but the others had their own ways of dealing with their nerves.
Achilleus was tensed and alert, ready for action, almost willing a grown-up to jump out at him. Arran tried to stand tall and appear unafraid, imagining he was casting a protective shield around his little group. Ollie kept glancing back over his shoulder. He was so used to watching their rear that he almost found it easier walking backwards.
‘That is an evil smell,’ said Freak.
‘Keep it down,’ said Achilleus.
‘Come off it, Akkie,’ said Deke. ‘If there was anyone here I think they just might have heard that bloody big bang as I took out the door.’
‘Shut up so’s we can listen, Deke.’
‘OK, OK.’
They shone their torches around the seating area where the vending machines had once stood.
Nothing. Empty.
‘They’re gone,’ said Arran.
‘What a surprise,’ said Achilleus.
‘Told you this was a waste of time,’ said Ollie. ‘Now can we go?’
Arran carried on towards the pool. A dim light was glowing green through the windows around the high ceiling. The air felt hot and moist. He used to come here nearly every week in the summer. There was a water-slide that snaked out of the building and back again. It had always been noisy here, busy with kids. There had been a wave machine and all sorts of fountains, waterfalls and jets. Now it was absolutely quiet and still and stank like a sewer. Stringy weeds hung from the water-slide that stood on rusting supports.
Arran was aware of his heart thumping against his ribs.
He didn’t like being here.
‘We should take a proper look round,’ said Freak, joining him by the poolside and shining his torch around the cavernous space.
There was still water in the pool, but it was a soupy greenish-brown colour. Clumps of algae and weed floated on the surface and odd pieces of furniture had been dumped in it. Arran could see chairs and tables, a filing cabinet and what looked like a running machine, probably from the gym upstairs.
More algae and mould made its way up the walls, covering the windows - this was what was turning the light that weird ghostly green.
The others came through.
‘We should go,’ said Ollie, nervously glancing back towards the entrance.
‘Scared, are you?’ said Deke.
‘Course I’m scared,’ said Ollie simply. ‘I’m always scared when we go somewhere we’ve not been before. It’s good to be scared. Keeps you alive.’
‘Check this out,’ Freak hissed, interrupting them. He was shining his torch across the pool.
A vending machine stood there, half submerged in the water, but they could see that it was still stocked with chocolate bars and sweets and crisps.
‘We’ve struck the jackpot,’ Deke whispered.
They moved closer to the water’s edge, marvelling at the treasure trove in the stagnant pool. The side of the pool sloped gradually into the water, giving the effect of a beach. The smell was appalling, and the floor was slippery beneath their feet.
‘What’s it doing in the water?’ said Achilleus.
‘Who cares?’ Freak and Deke said in unison.
Arran shone his torch on to a sign; it was still just about readable beneath the fungal growth on its surface.
‘See that?’ he said. ‘No diving.’
The others sniggered. The thought of diving into the dark, stinking water was disgusting, but nevertheless somebody
was going to have to wade in if they wanted to get to the vending machine.
‘I don’t like it,’ said Ollie. ‘It’s not right.’
Once again he glanced back towards the entrance, making sure that their way out was clear.
‘There’s nothing here, man,’ said Deke. ‘No one. The place is deserted. Look at all that crap in the water. The vending machine must have been dumped there ages ago, and forgotten about.’
‘Come on,’ said Ollie. ‘I’m going.’
He jumped as Freak suddenly shouted, his voice startlingly loud.
The sound echoed off the hard walls.
‘See? Nothing.’
‘You’re an idiot,’ said Achilleus.
‘Yeah? And who are you then - Brainiac, the world’s brainiest kid?’
‘Don’t start arguing,’ said Arran wearily.
‘Look,’ said Deke. ‘We’ve been here long enough, if anything was going to happen it would’ve happened by now. This place is dead, like the rest of London, like the rest of the world for all we know. Dead.’
‘We’re not dead,’ said Arran, ‘and I want to keep it that way.’
‘Then let’s get the gear from the machine,’ said Deke.
‘Food, yeah? To eat? You remember food, don’t you?’
‘I’m not sure about this.’
‘Oh for God’s sake, this is a waste of time.’ Freak walked to the water’s edge, holding his nose. Deke groaned as he watched his friend wade in. Soon the slime was up to Freak’s knees, then his thighs. He carried on until he had reached the machine. Turned to wave, then peered inside.
‘Sick!’ he said, grinning. ‘You should see this.’
‘Freak! No!’ Deke screamed.
The whole surface of the water around Freak had come alive as if some huge beast was rising from the depths.
Deke splashed into the pool, yelling.
‘Idiot,’ said Achilleus.
There were shapes emerging everywhere now, seemingly made from the same green slime as the water itself. They pushed up out of the bubbling pool.
People. Men and women. Blanket weed hanging off them and tangled between their outstretched fingers like webs.
‘GROWN-UPS!’ Arran shouted.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

Check wimpykid.com for more updates!
Black Circle Back Cover Summary!
Description: The hunt for the 39 Clues leads Amy and Dan to their most treacherous destination yet a frozen land of Cahill secrets and betrayals. With danger chasing close behind, the siblings must track down one of historys greatest lost treasures. Governments were toppled and rulers were killed during the last attempt to find it. Do Amy and Dan even stand a chance?
39 Clues Investigation Will Be Completed By End Of August!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Black Circle Is Here!

Get it today! HURRY!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Black Circle out tomorrow!
I will have some difficulty getting The Black Circle tomorrow, so if anyone gets the book before me, comment on what happens. PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
As a effort to keep you updated with the latest book news, I've added certain author's twitter feeds to the sidebar. Some authors include Rick Riordan, Ridley Pearson, Patrick Carman, and more. My Tweets are also on the sidebar if you wish to look at them.
An New Lead..........?
I have been laying low the last few days to continue my 39 Clues investigation, but the search for answers lead me to a dead end..........
Until this Morning, anyway.
I opened up my Twitter account and found the Patrick Carman was following me. For those of you who don't know, Patrick is the author of the fifth 39 Clues book, The Black Circle, out on August 11th. The book will be the primary focus of my investigation. While the location of the book's setting has not been revealed, it is almost certain that Amy & Dan are heading to Russia in the novel.
Keep returning for updates...................
Until this Morning, anyway.
I opened up my Twitter account and found the Patrick Carman was following me. For those of you who don't know, Patrick is the author of the fifth 39 Clues book, The Black Circle, out on August 11th. The book will be the primary focus of my investigation. While the location of the book's setting has not been revealed, it is almost certain that Amy & Dan are heading to Russia in the novel.
Keep returning for updates...................
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Black Circle Location: Discovered?
To to evidence on Card#428, it is now believed that Amy & Dan Cahill are now believed to be headed to be headed to Wisconsin, USA. Why? Find out when The Black Circle comes out on August 11th!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Join The Hunt!

But what if Amy & Dan are one of them...................
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Percy Movie Website & Trailer!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Harry Potter Finale Now In Paperback!

It all comes down to this - a final face off between good and evil. You plan to pull out all the stops, but every time you solve one mystery, three more evolve. Do you stay the course you started, despite your lack of progress? Do you detour and follow a new lead that may not help? Do you listen to your instincts, or your friends?
Lord Voldemort is preparing for battle and so must Harry. With Ron and Hermione at his side, he's trying to hunt down Voldemort's Horcruxes, escape danger at every turn, and find a way to defeat evil once and for all. How does it all end?
Find out in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Amy & Dan Cahill: Are They Madrigals?

I believe this assumption for 3 reasons:
1. Amy & Dan don't know what branch belong to. Grace never told them, and when people(mostly competitors) almost tell them, they are cut-off by someone or something.
2. Amy & Dan don't have much of the talents that belong to any of the 4 branches. They're not entertainers like the Janus, because Amy is frightened of large crowds(But Dan could make a good comedian.) They're not ruthless like the Lucians. Not good Chemists & inventors like the Ekats. And not as strong as the Tomas.
3. In the fifth book, The Black Circle, Amy & Dan will confront the Madrigals. Maybe they will tell Amy & Dan themselves that the siblings have Madrigal heritage. Oh, and I will tell you right now, I know nothing that happens in The Black Circle, with the exception of knowing about them confronting the Madrigals, as it is noted on the back page of Beyond The Grave.
I am in the process of rereading all four novels in order to record a complete investigation on this question. If are are Madrigals, I could only imagine what it would mean for the contest..................
In Too Deep Cover!

Update- Book is rumored to be 206 pages.
Update- Product Description:
A hint from their parents’ past puts Amy and Dan on the trail of secrets their grandmother Grace would NEVER have wanted them to know. Awful memories begin to crowd in on Amy, just as her enemies circle closer. How far would she go to protect Dan? How much of a Cahill is she prepared to be? Perhaps Grace was right – some secrets are better left buried.
Update- They might be heading to the Loch Ness, because the front shows a sunken plane, and mission 1 says a plane chrashed into the loch with a clue. But it could also be the Bermuda Triangle because in the interviews on 39clues.com Jude Watson said that she was an Ekat and the Bermuda Triangle is an Ekat base. The description says "The 39 Clues gets treacherous. Book 6 takes Amy and Dan across oceans on the trail of a famous aviator, but they find more than they're looking for. Their enemies are becoming more vicious, and the truths they discover more crushing than ever." The famous aviator might be the Janus "Flying Ace", as it would fit a cycle: Lucian, Janus, Tomas, Ekat, Lucian ect. Or it could possibly be Amelia Earhart, as she dissappeared without a trace, and that seems suspiciously like Cahill involvement.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
books Is now a website
Yeah it says .webs.com, but it's still the real thing.
As Promised, Books is now a website! Click her to view it. But keep checking the blog, for continuous updates.
As Promised, Books is now a website! Click her to view it. But keep checking the blog, for continuous updates.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Giving In To Twitter

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Peter And The Sword Of Mercy!
Monday, June 8, 2009
The 39 Clues Book Five: The Black Circle

WHERE ARE AMY AND DAN CAHILL? The two kids were last seen in Egypt, hunting for one of the 39 Clues that could make them the most powerful people on earth. But no one has seen the siblings since. Has the ruthless Irina Spasky finally tracked them down? Or worse . . . the Madrigals?
No one knows where the Clue hunt leads next. But one thing is certain – Book 5 is gearing up to be Dan and Amy’s most dangerous adventure yet.
Coming Tuesday, August 11, 2009!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Beyond The Grave- Out Today!

If you thought Amy and Dan Cahill were in trouble before, wait until you see what this book brings. The plot thickens. Much is revealed. More secrets are unearthed!
I might not get to read it for a while, I have a tight schedule. If you read, you can review it here!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Is It Right To Read A Book More Than Once?
There comes a time in everyones life when they run out of books to read. I'm facing that problem right now. I'm out of money. Out of books. Out of luck.
So, I'm begining to think about reading Twilight again. But I don't want to, because I just don't have the same passion for the book as I did before. I know what's going to happen. It's different, you know. What do you think? Do you think it's right to read a book more than once? Do you do it yourself?
So, I'm begining to think about reading Twilight again. But I don't want to, because I just don't have the same passion for the book as I did before. I know what's going to happen. It's different, you know. What do you think? Do you think it's right to read a book more than once? Do you do it yourself?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Sorceress!

Book Three in the New York Times bestselling series.
Nicholas Flamel's heart almost broke as he watched his beloved Paris crumble before him. The city was destroyed by Dee and Machiavelli, but Flamel played his own role in the destruction. Sophie and Josh Newman show every sign of being the twins of prophecy, and Flamel had to protect them and the pages from the Dark Elders.
But Nicholas grows weaker with each passing day. Perenelle is still trapped in Alcatraz, and now that Scatty has gone missing, the group is without protection. Except for Clarent—the twin sword to Excalibur. But Clarent’s power is unthinkable, its evil making it nearly impossible to use without its darkness seeping into the soul of whoever wields it.
If he hopes to defeat Dee, Nicholas must find an Elder who can teach Josh and Sophie the third elemental magic—Water Magic. The problem? The only one who can do that is Gilgamesh, and he is quite, quite insane.
Except from B & N!!!:
I think I see them.”
The young man in the green parka standing directly beneath the huge circular clock in St. Pancras station took the phone away from his ear and checked a blurred image on the screen. The English Magician had sent the image: the picture was grainy, the colors washed and faded, and it looked liked it had been taken from an overhead security camera. It showed an older man with short gray hair, accompanied by two blond-haired teens, climbing onto a train.
Rising up on his toes, the young man swiveled his head, looking for the trio he’d glimpsed. For a moment, he thought he’d lost them in the milling crowd, but even if he had, they wouldn’t get far: one of his sisters was downstairs; another was in the street outside, watching the entrance.
Now, where had the old man and the teenagers gone?
Narrow, pinched nostrils opened wide as the young man sorted through the countless scents in the station. He identified and dismissed the mixed stink of too many humani, the myriad perfumes and deodorants, the gels and pastes, the greasy odor of fried food from the station’s restaurants, the richer aroma of coffee and the metallic oily tang of the train engines and carriages. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back.
The odors he was seeking were older, wilder, unnatural. . . .
Mint: just the merest suggestion.
Orange: no more than the vaguest hint.
Vanilla: little more than a trace.
Hidden behind small rectangular sunglasses, blue-black eyes opened wide and his head swiveled, following the gossamer threads of scent through the vast train station. He had themnow!
The gray-haired older man, wearing black jeans and a scuffed leather jacket, was striding down the station concourse directly toward him. There was a small overnight case in his left hand. He was followed by the two teenagers, alike enough to be brother and sister. The boy was taller than the girl, and they were both wearing backpacks.
The young man snapped a quick picture with his cell phone camera and sent it to Dr. John Dee. Although he had nothing but contempt for the English Magician, there was no point in making an enemy of him. Dee was the agent of the most dangerous of all the Elders.
Pulling the hood of his parka over his head, he turned away as the trio drew level with him, and dialed his sister, who was waiting downstairs. “It’s definitely Flamel and the twins,” he murmured into the phone, speaking the ancient language that had eventually become Gaelic. “They’re heading in your direction. We’ll take them when they get onto the Euston Road.”
The young man in the hooded parka set off after the Alchemyst and the American twins. He moved easily through the early-afternoon crowd, looking like just another teenager, anonymous and unnoticed in his sloppy jeans, scuffed sneakers and overlarge coat, his head and face concealed by the hood, his eyes invisible behind the sunglasses.
Despite his form, the young man had never been remotely human. He and his sisters had first come to this land when it was still joined to the European continent, and for generations they had been worshipped as gods. He bitterly resented being ordered about by Dee–who was, after all, nothing more than a humani. But the English Magician had promised the hooded boy a delectable prize: Nicholas Flamel, the legendary Alchemyst. Dee’s instructions were clear; he and his sisters could have Flamel, but the twins must not be touched. The boy’s thin lips twisted. His sisters would take the boy and girl, while he would have the honor of killing Flamel. A coal-black tongue licked cracked dry lips. He and his sisters would feast for weeks. And, of course, they would keep the tastiest morsels for Mother.
Nicholas Flamel slowed, allowing Sophie and Josh to catch up with him. Forcing a smile, he pointed to the thirtyfoot- tall bronze statue of a couple embracing beneath the clock. “It’s called The Meeting Place,” he said loudly, and then added in a whisper, “We’re being followed.” Flamel grasped Josh’s arm with iron-hard fingers. “Don’t even think about turning around.”
“Who?” Sophie asked.
“What?” Josh said tightly. He was feeling nauseated; his newly Awakened senses were overwhelmed by the scents and sounds of the train station. The light was so sharp he wished he had a pair of sunglasses to shield his eyes.
“ ‘What?’ is the better question,” Nicholas said grimly. He raised a finger to point up to the clock, as if he were talking about it. “I’m not sure what it is,” he admitted. “Something ancient. I felt it the moment we stepped off the train.”
“Felt it?” Josh asked.
“A tingle, like an itch. My aura reacted to the aura of whoever–whatever–is here. When you have a little more control of your own auras, you’ll be able to do the same.” Tilting her head back, as if she were admiring the latticework of the metal-and-glass ceiling, Sophie slowly turned.
Crowds swirled around them. Most seemed to be locals, though there were plenty of tourists, many stopping to have their photographs taken in front of The Meeting Place or the huge clock. No one seemed to be paying them any particular attention.
“What can we do?” Josh asked. “I can boost Sophie’s powers. . . .”
“No,” Flamel snapped. “You can only use your powers as an absolute last resort. As soon as you activate your aura, it will alert every Elder, Next Generation and immortal within a ten-mile radius, and here, just about every immortal you encounter is allied to the Dark Elders. Also, in this land, it could awaken others, creatures best left sleeping.”
“But you said we’re being followed,” Sophie protested.
“That means Dee knows we’re here.”
Flamel urged the twins to the left, away from the statue, hurrying them toward the exit. “I would imagine there are watchers in every airport, seaport and railway station across Europe. Although Dee might have suspected that we were heading to London, the instant either of you activates your aura, he’ll know for certain.”
Format: Hardcover, 512pp
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Pub. Date: May 2009
Sales Rank: 17
Age Range: Young Adult
Series: Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series, #3
Beyond The Grave Summary

A Clue found in Japan has Amy and Dan jetting off to Egypt to find out just what's behind the fierce rivalry between the Tomas and Ekaterina branches of the Cahill family. Was a Clue stolen from the Tomas branch? Where is it now? And most important, can Amy and Dan get their hands on it before their rivals do?
It's a wild race that will take Amy and Dan deep down into the tombs of Egypt . . . and right into the hands of the enemy.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mythology, Wating, And More...... A Little Summary Of My Visit With Rick Riordan
1500+(I think the approximate total was 1539, including me), braved a severe thunderstorm, a tornado watch and at least several hours of waiting to meet the famous author, Rick Riordan. When I got to the St. Louis County Library HQ around 6:45 PM, I thought all hope of getting to meet him and getting my book signed was lost. Five Hundred crowded the building inside, and at least a thousand more circled the building. WOW! was the only word coming out of my mouth. I was told at 5:45 PM, the line circled into the parking lot. I joined the line anyway, and just then, rain began to fall.
Apparently, we were enduring a severe thunderstorm, and were under a tornado warning. YIKES! I stood out in the rain for at least an hour and a half. When I got in, I waited another 3 hours to get my books(7 of them!) signed. When I got up to him(I've been waiting for that moment for years, trust me), he said he recognized me. I was confused at first, but then I remember, I was a Demigod Of The Week last year. He said I grew a little(honestly, I don't see it, not yet anyway), and told me Thanks for being a loyal and die hard fan, which I am! And for those who don't recognize it, try standing in a crowd of 1500 plus people, all drenched and sopping wet(I swear to gods, those clothes still aren't dry!), just to meet one person! Thanks, Rick! He also said that he is planning to release a new Camp Half-Blood Series next year, but is now also working with Egyptian Mythology too. Both of the new series' are planned to release around the same time next year.
Meeting Rick ranks #1(so far), in the highlights of my life. He's a very talented author with a lot of good skill, and if I don't ever get to meet him again, I wish him the best.
Rick Riordan wrote about his STL expereince on his blog:
I'll send some pics from the event soon. Stay tuned!
PS: Oh, and one more thing! This is probably one of the longest posts I've ever written, so tell me if I did something wrong. I mean, lets face it, not everybody has perfect hands
Apparently, we were enduring a severe thunderstorm, and were under a tornado warning. YIKES! I stood out in the rain for at least an hour and a half. When I got in, I waited another 3 hours to get my books(7 of them!) signed. When I got up to him(I've been waiting for that moment for years, trust me), he said he recognized me. I was confused at first, but then I remember, I was a Demigod Of The Week last year. He said I grew a little(honestly, I don't see it, not yet anyway), and told me Thanks for being a loyal and die hard fan, which I am! And for those who don't recognize it, try standing in a crowd of 1500 plus people, all drenched and sopping wet(I swear to gods, those clothes still aren't dry!), just to meet one person! Thanks, Rick! He also said that he is planning to release a new Camp Half-Blood Series next year, but is now also working with Egyptian Mythology too. Both of the new series' are planned to release around the same time next year.
Meeting Rick ranks #1(so far), in the highlights of my life. He's a very talented author with a lot of good skill, and if I don't ever get to meet him again, I wish him the best.
Rick Riordan wrote about his STL expereince on his blog:
I think the Saint Louis crowd caught everyone by surprise.
The county library was prepared for 900 and could hold 1000, which seemed like plenty to me. When we arrived at the library, however, it had already filled to capacity and a line of five hundred more people snaked around the building. More than fifteen hundred people showed up in all – wow. Thanks to those who heard the presentation, and especially to the hundreds who couldn’t get it and could only do the signing line. On top of everything, the area was under a storm and tornado warning! Fortunately everyone got inside before the rain started.
Favorite moment from the night: A crowd of girls dressed in costume (Bianca, Thalia, Percy, Annabeth, etc.) asked me this question: “If Percy can talk to horses and control water, does that mean Annabeth can talk to owls and control olives?” LOL. Fear me. I control the mighty black olive! Another thought-provoking question I’d never had before: Would I rather be a god, demigod or mortal? Interesting. I’m still thinking about that one. I met more school groups than I could count. Librarians and teachers came from all over the state. Families had traveled from Jefferson City, Springfield, Indiana and even Chicago to attend the signing. Thanks to the Saint Louis County Library staff for managing the huge crowd so well, and thanks for everyone who waited through the three-hour signing line with such patience.
Here’s a blog from the Post-Dispatch about the event, which they are speculating might be the largest Saint Louis book signing ever for a single author.
I'll send some pics from the event soon. Stay tuned!
PS: Oh, and one more thing! This is probably one of the longest posts I've ever written, so tell me if I did something wrong. I mean, lets face it, not everybody has perfect hands
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Hunger Games & Catching Fire!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Disney In Shadow
Revealed sometime this past month, the title for the third Kingdom Keepers book(KK3, as people call it), is titled Disney In Shadow. It will be approximately 547 pages long, primarily take place at Epcot, and is rumored to be releasing in either August, October, or right now, September 15th of this year. More details will be posted as I find them!
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Dangers Of Cyberbulling
Let's face it, not all writing sends a good message. Like stuff posted on MySpace.
If you don't live in the St. Louis area, then you need to know about a girl named Megan Meyers. Megan was an average teenager, who was diagnosed with depression. She met a person named Josh Evans on MySpace. "Josh" was nice to her at first, but in one day, hurt Megan's feelings so much that when her parents got home, hung herself in her bedroom closet. It was discovered that the MySpace account was fake, and a family friend, Lori Drew, was has been sentenced to 3 years in prison. Lori probably thought she was doing the right thing, she was trying to find out if Megan was talking about her daughter behind her back. And she went about it the wrong way.
Today, Megan's mother, Tina Meyers, came to our school to talk to our student body about the dangers of Cyberbulling. I strongly back her. So if someone wants to talk to you on the Internet, and don't know them, don't even respond, and leave them out of your life. Because you never know who's on the other side.
If you don't live in the St. Louis area, then you need to know about a girl named Megan Meyers. Megan was an average teenager, who was diagnosed with depression. She met a person named Josh Evans on MySpace. "Josh" was nice to her at first, but in one day, hurt Megan's feelings so much that when her parents got home, hung herself in her bedroom closet. It was discovered that the MySpace account was fake, and a family friend, Lori Drew, was has been sentenced to 3 years in prison. Lori probably thought she was doing the right thing, she was trying to find out if Megan was talking about her daughter behind her back. And she went about it the wrong way.
Today, Megan's mother, Tina Meyers, came to our school to talk to our student body about the dangers of Cyberbulling. I strongly back her. So if someone wants to talk to you on the Internet, and don't know them, don't even respond, and leave them out of your life. Because you never know who's on the other side.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Last Olympian Book Review

In this thrilling last novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians Series, Percy and friends find themselves finally going head to head with the evil Titan Lord, Kronos.
All your questions about the series are finally answered:
- The spy at Camp Half-Blood was, believe it or not, Silena Beauregard. Somehow, Luke got to her sometime between The Lightning Thief and The Sea Of Monsters, and convinced her to work for him. She dies right after she reveals the secret.
- The Oracle once lived inside a beautiful maiden, but when she became the Oracle almost 50 years before The Last Olympian, Hades was upset(see fact below), and put a curse on the next Oracle to stay like that forever. However, toward the end of the book, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, somehow, someway, convinced Chiron to make her become the next Oracle.
- Nico's mother's name is Maria di Angelo. Zues killed her, causing Hades to go into rage and curse the Oracle.
- The prophecy surrounding Percy's Sixteenth Birthday was on a necklace around the Oracle neck during the whole series.
- It was stated that the true last Olympian was the goddess Hestia.
- Who is the true hero in this story? Percy, you say? No. It's really, perpare for a shock: Luke. The war concludes with Luke struggling to release Kronos from his body, and Percy hands him the knife. Luke didn't want to be evil, and he had finally, finally, realized the error of his ways. He knew what he had to do. He stabbed himself in the chest, killing himself to save Olympus, but in the process, put Kronos in the right place: Tartarus.
- And for those who have been itching to know. Percy and Annabeth do get together. Happy Ending. Yay.
There are many more facts I didn't share, read the book to find them! 5 Stars! It's an epic finish to a fantastical series!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Farewell To Percy

Alas, all good things must come to an end. Such is the case of Percy Jackson Series, with The Last Olympian, the final book in the series, being published today. While this is a time of rejoicing for me, knowing that all of my questions will be answered, but a sad day because my favorite series is coming to an end. It SUCKS! I mean, it like you know rocks because I think 5 is an awsome number to end at, but I was hoping for at least 7 books.
Well, I going to go buy my copy now, before they're sold out. I'll post a spoiler later this week!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Juvie Three Book Review

BARNES & NOBLE Synopsis-
Gecko Fosse drove the getaway car.
Terence Florian ran with the worst gang in Chicago.
Arjay Moran killed someone.
All three boys are serving time in juvenile detention centers until they get a second chance at life in the form of Douglas Healy. A former juvenile delinquent himself, Healy is running an experimental halfway house in New York City where he wants to make a difference in the lives of kids like Gecko, Terence, and Arjay.
Things are going well, until one night Healy is accidentally knocked unconscious while trying to break up a scuffle among the boys. Terrified of the consequences, they drop him off at a hospital and run away. But when Healy awakes, he has no memory of them or the halfway house. Afraid of being sent back to Juvie, the guys hatch a crazy scheme to continue on as if the group leader never left. They will go to school, do their community service, attend therapy, and act like model citizens until Healy's memory returns and he can resume his place with them.
But life keeps getting in the way...like when Gecko finds romance. Or Arjay gets famous. Or Terence starts reverting to his old ways. If the boys are discovered, their second chance will be their last.
JAKE'S RATING - 4 STARS (Appropriate for Grades 7 & Up)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Pendragon Finale- T-17 Days!

This is the war for Halla.
Every question is answered. Every truth is revealed.
The final battle has begun.
Format: Hardcover, 608pp
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Pub. Date: May 12, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Last Olympian Preview(UK &US)
"Get back!" I slashed the air in a wide arc, driving the rest of the demigods away from Annabeth. "No one touches her!" "Interesting," Kronos said.
He towered above me on his skeletal horse, his scythe in his hand. He studied the scene with narrowed eyes, as if he could sense that I'd just come close to death, the way a wolf can smell fear.
"Bravely fought, Percy," he said. "But it's time to surrender -- or the girl dies."
"Percy, don't," Annabeth groaned. Her shirt was soaked with blood. I had to get her out of here.
"Blackjack!" I yelled.
As fast as light, the pegasus swooped down and clamped his teeth on the straps of Annabeth's armor. They soared away over the river before the enemy could even react.
Kronos sighed. "Some day soon, I am going to make pegasus soup. But in the meantime . . ." He dismounted, his scythe glistening in the dawn light. "I'll settle for another dead demigod."
I met his first strike with Riptide. The impact shook the entire bridge, but I held my ground. Kronos's smile wavered.
With a yell, I kicked his legs out from under him. His scythe skittered across the pavement. I stabbed downward, but he rolled aside and regained his footing. His scythe flew back to his hands.
"So . . ." He studied me, looking mildly annoyed. "You had the courage to visit the Styx. I had to pressure Luke in many ways to convince him. If only you had supplied my host body instead . . . but no matter. I am still more powerful. I am a TITAN."
He struck the bridge with the butt of his scythe, and a wave of pure force blasted me backwards. Cars went careening. Demigods – even Luke's own men – were blown off the edge of the bridge. Suspension cords whipped around and I skidded halfway back to Manhattan.
He towered above me on his skeletal horse, his scythe in his hand. He studied the scene with narrowed eyes, as if he could sense that I'd just come close to death, the way a wolf can smell fear.
"Bravely fought, Percy," he said. "But it's time to surrender -- or the girl dies."
"Percy, don't," Annabeth groaned. Her shirt was soaked with blood. I had to get her out of here.
"Blackjack!" I yelled.
As fast as light, the pegasus swooped down and clamped his teeth on the straps of Annabeth's armor. They soared away over the river before the enemy could even react.
Kronos sighed. "Some day soon, I am going to make pegasus soup. But in the meantime . . ." He dismounted, his scythe glistening in the dawn light. "I'll settle for another dead demigod."
I met his first strike with Riptide. The impact shook the entire bridge, but I held my ground. Kronos's smile wavered.
With a yell, I kicked his legs out from under him. His scythe skittered across the pavement. I stabbed downward, but he rolled aside and regained his footing. His scythe flew back to his hands.
"So . . ." He studied me, looking mildly annoyed. "You had the courage to visit the Styx. I had to pressure Luke in many ways to convince him. If only you had supplied my host body instead . . . but no matter. I am still more powerful. I am a TITAN."
He struck the bridge with the butt of his scythe, and a wave of pure force blasted me backwards. Cars went careening. Demigods – even Luke's own men – were blown off the edge of the bridge. Suspension cords whipped around and I skidded halfway back to Manhattan.
Congrats Rick Riordan!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
2009-2010 Mark Twain Award Nominations
Dahlberg, Maurine F. The Story of Jonas. FSG.
Duble, Kathleen Benner. Bravo Zulu, Samantha. Peachtree.
Going, K.L. Garden of Eve. Harcourt.
Hahn, Mary Downing. Deep & Dark & Dangerous. Clarion Books.
Harlow, Joan Hiatt. Blown Away. Simon & Schuster.
Hart, Alison . Gabriel's Horses. Peachtree.
McKissack, Patricia. Friendship for Today. Scholastic.
Pitchford, Dean. The Big One-Oh. Penguin.
Ryan, Pam Munoz. Paint the Wind. Scholastic.
Salisbury, Graham. Night of the Howling Dogs. Wendy Lamb - Random House.
Selznick, Brian. Invention of Hugo Cabret. Scholastic.
White, Ruth. Way Down Deep. FSG.
Rick Riordan's Response To The Authors In 39 Clues:
There will be ten books in the 39 Clues series and each will be written by a different author. I designed the general story arc for the whole series and authored the first book, Maze of Bones, but the other books will be published in such rapid succession — roughly one book every three months — that it would be impossible for me or any other author to write them all. The editorial team works with each author to make sure the story and the characters stay consistent, but they also allow each author to bring their own personal flair to the story.
Dahlberg, Maurine F. The Story of Jonas. FSG.
Duble, Kathleen Benner. Bravo Zulu, Samantha. Peachtree.
Going, K.L. Garden of Eve. Harcourt.
Hahn, Mary Downing. Deep & Dark & Dangerous. Clarion Books.
Harlow, Joan Hiatt. Blown Away. Simon & Schuster.
Hart, Alison . Gabriel's Horses. Peachtree.
McKissack, Patricia. Friendship for Today. Scholastic.
Pitchford, Dean. The Big One-Oh. Penguin.
Ryan, Pam Munoz. Paint the Wind. Scholastic.
Salisbury, Graham. Night of the Howling Dogs. Wendy Lamb - Random House.
Selznick, Brian. Invention of Hugo Cabret. Scholastic.
White, Ruth. Way Down Deep. FSG.
Rick Riordan's Response To The Authors In 39 Clues:
There will be ten books in the 39 Clues series and each will be written by a different author. I designed the general story arc for the whole series and authored the first book, Maze of Bones, but the other books will be published in such rapid succession — roughly one book every three months — that it would be impossible for me or any other author to write them all. The editorial team works with each author to make sure the story and the characters stay consistent, but they also allow each author to bring their own personal flair to the story.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Hurricane Gold Book Review
Hurricane Gold, by Charlie Higson is on of the better James Bond books, but the rating should deserve 3 stars. The book is action packed, but deserves a longer story and not as many people should have died, espically in that river scene. Good Book, but not good enough.
The Sword Thief Book Review!
The Sword Thief, by Peter Lerangis, is a exciting action-adventure packed into a quick read. In the book, Amy and Dan Cahill find themselves teaming up with their unreliable uncle, Alistair Oh, and the deadly Ian and Natalie Kabra to find the next clue in the secret Underground Tunnels in Japan. The book sparks the conflicts of a good James Bond novel(even thought it's not as extremely violent). Like Kidnapping, because Nellie, Amy & Dan's au pair, is kidnapped at the beginning of the book. Romance, because Ian & Amy show a small romance in the middle(includes a lip kiss), even thought it turns out to be a ploy. Death, because Alistair kills a relative(who, why? Read the book to find out!). Action, because Amy & Dan almost get killed by subway train, and betrayal, because Amy & Dan get left behind by Oh and the Kabras'. This book deserves a rating of 5 stars, and dare I say it, is actually better than Rick Riordan's 39 Clues novel(and beilive me, you have to be really, really good to top that!). I'm going to check out some of Peter's other novels, and you should to! Hat's off, Mr. Lerangis!
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