Post From 1/23/11:

My blog has a new look... again.

This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.

Take Care, everyone.

-Jake, Creator Of Books

Monday, August 3, 2009

An New Lead..........?

I have been laying low the last few days to continue my 39 Clues investigation, but the search for answers lead me to a dead end..........

Until this Morning, anyway.

I opened up my Twitter account and found the Patrick Carman was following me. For those of you who don't know, Patrick is the author of the fifth 39 Clues book, The Black Circle, out on August 11th. The book will be the primary focus of my investigation. While the location of the book's setting has not been revealed, it is almost certain that Amy & Dan are heading to Russia in the novel.

Keep returning for updates...................

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