Post From 1/23/11:

My blog has a new look... again.

This blog isn't all about books anymore. They still will be the primary focus of the blog, but more frequently will the posts will be centered around other activities & current issues. Same with my Twitter.

Take Care, everyone.

-Jake, Creator Of Books

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Major NEGATIVE News On Changes To 39 Clues Website!

Fellow 39 Clues Hunters,

As you may have noticed, The 39 Clues website has made some MAJOR changes for members of the branches! As I logged on this afternoon, I was thinking WHAT THE FREAK IS THIS? Of course, I didn't say it out loud, because I was in a library. Politte's in my last name you know...

I have found it VERY difficult to navigate, and almost called tech support to find my EKAT INBOX!

Click the phone if you need to find that, by the way.

Well, good luck- um, you know... figuring it out youself. Yeah...

GO EKATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


David said...

I'm a Janus, but I don't wannna be. Why isn't Madrigal an option?

Danielle said...

EKATTSSSS!!!!!!! RULE!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! hey fellow ekat and 39 clues lover, nice to meet u. this is an awesome blog and I hope to read more soon.